Check the latest News all around the BrawlTools Discord Bot & WEB or any DEV Updates.
Saturday Dez 07 2024
Teams Edition is here! You can now create teams and invite your friends to join your team. Upload Event Banner and much more...
Saturday May 25 2024
We've optimized the website for better performance and user experience. And release a new feature called push events.
Saturday August 20 2022
It's been a long time and I thought it was time for an info. Some of you have asked me: When is the next update coming? Why is it taking so long now? The reasons are relatively simple (this is not meant to be an excuse). Like any other bot, the Brawl roles bot is also written in a specific programming language.
Friday August 12 2022
Brawltools was founded by Bubu and me (Tredox) a while ago. Since we both developed unique bots and had a lot of fun doing this, we thought about creating our own project for it. So that we can both work more closely together and with a bit of luck get some interest for the bots.